Fear is a natural response

Mostly we have a very negative perception around fear and many of us don’t like to even discuss the topic because it brings back bad experiences, but fear not, fear is merely a construct of our perceptions around things, events and experiences.  Fear is a natural and necessary process needed to warn us to be careful.  Yes, you may experience pain in your chest, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath or even sweating among other symptoms. If your fear gets out of control and you find yourself worrying and contemplating what ifs, then anxiety is likely the culprit. If you have properly thought through a given situation which is causing these symptoms, and you know there is no eminent danger, then it’s time to experience some personal growth and face your fears.

What are the benefits of facing your fears?

  • Overcoming irrational fears make you a more confident person
  • It improves your self-esteem
  • You will find more enjoyment in life and be a lot more more fun to be around
  • You will have more experiences
  • You will feel better, freer and more in control of your life
  • You will be a happier person

Stress and Anxiety Counseling Fear is a natural phenomenon that can be crippling if you let it prevent you from new experiences and opportunities.

Moving forward in the face of irrational fear?

Try these strategies

1. Journaling can help you see your fears in a more realistic light. Write down when you experience the fear, the triggers, the duration, how you feel, and your thought pattern

2.Fear can trigger our brain to have irrational emotions, during these moments challenge these nonsensical thoughts, and counter them with thoughts, anything other than an emotion, like focusing your thoughts on your favorite music or a to do list. Don’t let irrational thought take you down a dark path.

3.Use humor to imagine funny and ridiculous scenarios of what might happen

4.Deep breathes can help put you in a calmer state

5.While sitting quietly, visualize yourself in your fearful situation. Using a step by step process slowly walk yourself through the situation while imagining yourself handling it calmly and without fear

6.Give yourself regular pats on the back when you attempt to move through your fear. There will be good and bad days, and overcoming irrational fears is not an easy task, but doable with consistency.

7.So all these benefits are closely linked with our daily life and we just need to amend our mindset about the action of fear and how we react to it.