Overcoming Bad Habits

Bad habits are among the worst of life interruptions, as they become obstacles to achieving your ambitions and desires. They block the normal mental, physical and emotional stages that one passes normally, sapping your energy and time. The task is to complete removal this self-created obstacle to a better life with good habits.  Change takes time and you are likely to fail on your first few attempts but with effort and a “stick with it attitude”, you will get through it. Bad habits have a way of overwhelming your world and ridding your life of balance. Balance is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. 

  • Examine the behavior or habit you want to change and come to terms with the fact that this behavior has done more harm to your life than it is worth.
  • Identify the triggers
  • Plot a strategy to deal with the trigger (this is essential)
  • Develop a replacement plan/activity that will keep you busy and your mind focused on positive behaviors
  • Change existing patterns and routines that lead you in a negative direction.
  • Get a support partner to cheer you on.
  • Reward yourself along the way (little accomplishments are worth celebrating)
  • Remain patient and persistent, and stick to your plan

Be persistent and you will gradually see the change you are expecting.  Soon the bad habits will be a distant memory.